However, according to the textbooks and government. We were racially unsegregated a long time ago, and we're all mixed now.
I disagree; yes we are all technically "mixed", and most of the public treats individuals who are different with the same respect as they would with another who is not, but in the larger picture I think that most people are quite significantly biased towards other races.
Think of it this way: what if the American Tea Party, Armed with Handguns and AK-47s, protesting, willing to break out into violence in the name of political revolution, were black, or arab. What would the response be? Would we really see them as Patriots, fighting for something righteous? Would we really see them as organised, and "on our side"? Sadly, I seriously doubt it.
Which is why now that we know what the problem is, we should be fixing it; putting more money into education of not only what racism is, and how to spot it, but also of why some people are racist, and why it has a very negative (not to mention prejudice) effect on the government, the news, and the people.
Anyways, tell me what you think of the situation we're in, and how we can rectify it.
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